
3 Things You Didn’t Know About Barrier Packaging

September 2, 2014

Barrier – it’s the buzz word finding its way among most brand owners, packaging managers and innovation specialists. Yet there are many things still unknown about barrier labels, barrier packaging, barrier films and other barrier components working their way into product designs. Don’t worry, our heads …

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Keeping a Pulse on Printed Electronics

July 23, 2014

Inland recently had the pleasure of sponsoring and attending the Gravure Association of America’s Printed Electronics Symposium. This two-day event covered everything from interactive product innovation to the security and protection of functional printing. Sound like some creepy science fiction novel? Well believe us, it’s …

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Helping out on Hops for Heroes

May 22, 2014

It’s that time of the year again! The sun has started shinning a little brighter and we begin welcoming the summer months – all on the brink of a joyous Memorial Day. It’s a time for reflection, commemoration… and maybe even the perfect time for …

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Turn the Page – Beer Packaging Second Edition

May 16, 2014

Calling all beer connoisseurs – read any good books likely? And no, browsing Twitter or glancing through the local newspaper doesn’t count. I’m talking mind-boggling, page-turning goodness. Anything come to mind? Well if you’re looking for a suggestion, we know just the thing to crack …

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