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Reflecting on 2019
January 21, 2020We all can agree – 2019 flew by! It seems like just yesterday we were ringing in the New Year, but 2020 is here to stay. Last year was one for the books as it was filled with celebrations, growth, and change! Awards Throughout 2019 …
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Inland’s MyPortal: Frequently Asked Questions
December 16, 2019You Asked. We Answered. MyPortal has been an online portal project for many years in the making at Inland. We’ve combined collective insight with our Sales, Account Management, and IT teams to create a customer empowerment tool that is unparalleled to any in the industry. …
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The Ultimate Shrink Sleeves Packaging Troubleshooting Guide
October 28, 2019… Never Leave Home without it! There are times in the life of packaging when you slow down and take all the proper steps to create a successful piece of packaging, but somehow, someway, you still run into trouble. Shrink sleeves are a very technical …
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4 Misconceptions About Extended Gamut Printing
September 18, 2019Extended gamut (also known as seven-color process) printing is a term that has most likely been mentioned to many brand owners such as yourself. Your packaging supplier (*hand raise*) has brought this up a time or two in past discussions, but why? As a brand …
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