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Inland Celebrates 75 Years: Our Past, Our Present and Our Future
February 28, 2019We are thrilled to share that Inland is celebrating 75 years of business this year! I know, doesn’t it feel like just yesterday when we were celebrating our 70th Anniversary? We’re excited to spend the year reflecting back on the Inland story and celebrating how …
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Power Your Brand
January 7, 2019We closed out 2018 with another record-breaking number of packaging awards and a record-breaking number of registrants for our “Labels + Packaging = Power for Your Brand” webinar. The basis of our webinar was to share how brands can utilize labels and packaging to set …
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What’s a Spec(ification)?
October 30, 2018As a label and packaging manufacturer, the term “spec” gets thrown around our facilities quite often in varying contexts. Before we dig into what a spec is at the world of Inland, let’s get to the basics — what does our good friend Merriam-Webster offer …
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Don’t Gamble with the Success of Your Next Shrink Sleeve Project
September 4, 2018We’ve mentioned a time or two that shrink sleeve labels have endless benefits — haven’t we? The perks of design versatility, the ability to label uniquely shaped containers, economic benefits, and customization…to name a few. All good things come with their own challenges, and shrink …
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